
  1. 文件證明申請表
  2. 有效的香港商業登記影印本;


  1. 公司負責人(董事)*身分證明文件影印本,如親自送件,需提供身分證明文件正本以供查閱;
  2. 向公司註冊處提交的文件影印本,證明為公司負責人(董事),內有董事名字及簽名式樣,如法團成立表格(NC1)、週年申報表(NAR1)或其他相關佐證文件;
  3. 與破產公司有利害關係證明文件,如發票、來往郵件存證信函等;
  4. 經香港政府相關主管機關申請的真實副本、複本或經香港國際公證(Notary Public)人驗證的文件正、影印本;
  5. 如負責人在香港無法前來,委託代理人送件,需提供經香港國際公證人註明”見證”負責人簽字屬實的授權書及代理人身分證明文件正、影印本;

中華民國國民 : 中華民國護照或身分證,及香港身分證,(如非永久居民, 另提供港簽或入港證件)
香港永久性居民 : 香港永久性居民身分證及香港特區護照及回鄉證(大陸出生者適用)
香港居民 : 香港居民身分證及簽證身份書(DI)
大陸人士 : 大陸護照、大陸身分證及港澳通行證
外籍人士 : 外國護照及入港紀錄


公  告



As COVID-19 has been classified as a Category 4 communicable disease, the anti-epidemic measures have been gradually lifted as the society gradually resumes to normalcy. After evaluation and review, the online appointment booking system set up by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (Hong Kong) will be temporarily suspended after December 20th, 2024. From December 23rd, 2024 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 12.30pm, excluding general holidays), please take the queue ticket at the lobby of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (Hong Kong)  to submit the applications for all the consular services. If a similar large-scale outbreaks of infectious disease or a particularly extreme situation occurs in the future, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (Hong Kong) will consider to restart the online appointment booking system depending on circumstances.

  • For detailed information on consular services and submission time, please visit www.tecos.org.hk

公眾假期公告Notice for General Holidays (2025.1.22)


The office will be closed on Jan. 29th, 30th and 31st, 2025 for general holidays, and will resume on Feb. 3rd, 2025.