為配合「新南向政策」之推動,並精進新南向國家國民來臺的簽證政策,外交部於本年4月12日邀集相關機關召開跨部會會議,針對泰國、汶萊、菲律賓國民來臺免簽證試辦措施、「觀宏專案」團體旅遊電子簽證及「東南亞國家人民來臺先行上網查核」(Travel Authorization Certificate, TAC)有條件式免簽證入境等簽證與入境便捷措施的執行狀況進行全面性檢視。



In line with efforts to promote the New Southbound Policy (NSP), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) convened a meeting on April 12 with relevant government agencies on further improving visa measures for nationals of NSP partner countries traveling to Taiwan. The meeting conducted a comprehensive review of existing visa and entry measures, focusing on the trial visa-free entry program for nationals of Thailand, Brunei, and the Philippines; the Project for Simplifying Visa Regulations for High-end Group Tourists from Southeast Asian Countries; and conditional visa-free entry through the Online Application for R.O.C. (Taiwan) Travel Authorization Certificate (TAC) scheme for nationals of Southeast Asian countries.

After evaluating the effectiveness of the above measures over the past years, participating agencies decided to extend the trial visa-free entry program for one year for nationals of Thailand, Brunei, and the Philippines from August 1, 2024, to July 31, 2025. In addition, the Project for Simplifying Visa Regulations for High-end Group Tourists from Southeast Asian Countries will be extended for a further year through December 31, 2025, and the conditional visa-free entry through the TAC scheme will remain in place.

MOFA will continue to review and fine-tune visa policies, with a view to strengthening bilateral exchanges and attracting more visitors while ensuring border and public security. MOFA will also continue to communicate with the governments of related countries to enhance visa treatment for Taiwan nationals and make their overseas travel more convenient. 



Note for Republic of China (Taiwan) visa applicants who have resided in or visited Afghanistan, Malawi, Mozambique, Pakistan, Madagascar, or the Democratic Republic of the Congo for four weeks or longer in the past year(2024/01/17)

In accordance with World Health Organization recommendations, applicants for Republic of China (Taiwan) visas must submit proof of having been administered the oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) or the inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) four weeks to one year before applying if they have resided in or visited countries at high risk for poliovirus transmission (namely Afghanistan, Malawi, Mozambique, Pakistan, Madagascar, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo) for four weeks or longer within the past year.

搬遷公告 Notice of Relocation
台北經濟文化辦事處服務組已於2021年12月20日起搬遷至新址,新址及電話號碼為:香港灣仔港灣道18號中環廣場49樓4907室、(852) 2887-5011,至傳真號碼(+852-2810-0591)、電子郵件(info@tecos.org.hk)及網址(http://tecos.org.hk)將維持不變。
The Service Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Hong Kong will be relocated to the new address since 2nd August 2021. The new address and telephone number will be:
Room 1106, 11th Floor, Tower One, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong
(852) 2887-5011. Its fax number (+852-2810-0591), email address (hkg@mofa.gov.tw) and website (http://tecos.org.hk) will remain unchanged.
The Service Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Hong Kong will be relocated to the new address since 20 December 2021. The new address and telephone number will be:
*Suite 4907, 49/F Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
*(852) 2887-5011




搬遷公告 Notice of Relocation

台北經濟文化辦事處服務組已於2021年12月20日起搬遷至新址,新址及電話號碼為:香港灣仔港灣道18號中環廣場49樓4907室、(852) 2887-5011,至傳真號碼(+852-2810-0591)、電子郵件(info@tecos.org.hk)及網址(http://tecos.org.hk)將維持不變。

The Service Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Hong Kong will be relocated to the new address since 20 December 2021. The new address and telephone number will be:
*Suite 4907, 49/F Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
*(852) 2887-5011
Its fax number (+852-2810-0591), email address (info@tecos.org.hk) and website (http://tecos.org.hk) will remain unchanged.

溫馨提示 :


(2)倘有時效、緊急或危難案件,請撥打 2887-5011 陳述相關事由,遇有忙線請稍後再撥;假使仍無法撥通電話,請寄送電子郵件至info@tecos.org.hk

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