

中華民國電子簽證提供申請人便捷之網路「一站式」申請方式(線上完成填表及付費、經審核通過後以電郵通知),發件時間約為三個工作天,申請費用含簽證規費及信用卡刷卡手續費共計新臺幣1,632 元,自始未設有速件服務且加收速件處理費。凡擬申請電子簽證者,請登錄外交部領事事務局網站(https://visawebapp.boca.gov.tw/BOCA_MRVWeb/),至欲瞭解電子簽證進一步資訊,請參閱「電子簽證問答集」(http://www.boca.gov.tw/lp-215-1-xCat-2.html)。


公  告



As COVID-19 has been classified as a Category 4 communicable disease, the anti-epidemic measures have been gradually lifted as the society gradually resumes to normalcy. After evaluation and review, the online appointment booking system set up by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (Hong Kong) will be temporarily suspended after December 20th, 2024. From December 23rd, 2024 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 12.30pm, excluding general holidays), please take the queue ticket at the lobby of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (Hong Kong)  to submit the applications for all the consular services. If a similar large-scale outbreaks of infectious disease or a particularly extreme situation occurs in the future, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (Hong Kong) will consider to restart the online appointment booking system depending on circumstances.

  • For detailed information on consular services and submission time, please visit www.tecos.org.hk

公眾假期公告Notice for General Holidays (2025.1.22)


The office will be closed on Jan. 29th, 30th and 31st, 2025 for general holidays, and will resume on Feb. 3rd, 2025.