
  1. 依憲法第20條、兵役法第1條、第3條及第32條規定,具有中華民國國籍並曾在臺設有戶籍之男子,於年滿18歲之翌年1月1日起役,至屆滿36歲之年12月31日除役前,依法皆有服兵役之義務。
  2. 在臺原有戶籍兼有雙重國籍之役男,應持中華民國護照入出境;其持外國護照入境,依法仍應徵兵處理者,並限制其出境至履行兵役義務時止。
  3. 我國役齡男子之服役役期,82年12月31日以前出生之役男,役期仍為1年;83年1月1日以後出生之役男,則須接受4個月常備役軍事訓練。
  4. 另依歸化我國國籍者及歸國僑民服役辦法第3條第1項規定,原有戶籍國民具僑民身份之役齡男子,自返回國內之翌日起,屆滿一年時,依法辦理徵兵處理。
  5. 凡具有中華民國國籍在臺曾設有戶籍役男於役齡期間均有履行兵役之義務,無論是否戶籍遷出國外或另具有他國國籍,其入出境臺灣地區應持中華民國護照;持外國護照入境之僑民役男仍以其入出境紀錄列計在臺居停留期間,持外國護照入境未具僑民身份者雖具雙重國籍仍以一般役男列管,依法仍應徵兵處理者,應限制其出境至履行兵役義務時止。

公  告



As COVID-19 has been classified as a Category 4 communicable disease, the anti-epidemic measures have been gradually lifted as the society gradually resumes to normalcy. After evaluation and review, the online appointment booking system set up by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (Hong Kong) will be temporarily suspended after December 20th, 2024. From December 23rd, 2024 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 12.30pm, excluding general holidays), please take the queue ticket at the lobby of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (Hong Kong)  to submit the applications for all the consular services. If a similar large-scale outbreaks of infectious disease or a particularly extreme situation occurs in the future, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (Hong Kong) will consider to restart the online appointment booking system depending on circumstances.