
  1. 本人親自前來本處辦理並攜帶國民身分證正本連同正、反面影本一份,或三個月內所發之戶籍謄本正本(詳列記事欄)連同影本一份。
  2. 未滿18歲者須申請護照時,父或母或監護人須隨同前來申請,並附上父或母或監護人的國民身分證正本連同正、反面影本一份或護照正本連同影本一份,及三個月內所發之全戶戶籍謄本正本(詳列記事欄)連同影本一份。
  3. 遺失護照之香港警察局(或大陸公安派出所)報案證明單正本及影本一份。
  4. 香港身分證正本連同正面影本一份(非永久居民者請同時提供港簽正本及影本一份),或入港證件正本連同影本(相片頁及入港戳印頁)一份。如持有外國護照請出示該外國護照正本連同影本一份。
  5. 最近六個月正面脫帽白色背景之半身彩色相片2張(直4.5公分且橫3.5公分,不含邊框,相片中人像自頭頂至下顎之長度不得小於3.2公分及超過3.6公分,五官清晰、露耳、表情自然且嘴巴閉合(不露齒),頭髮不得碰觸到照片邊框及勿配戴粗框眼鏡,且不得使用合成照片)。請參考中華民國護照相片規格說明。

公  告



As COVID-19 has been classified as a Category 4 communicable disease, the anti-epidemic measures have been gradually lifted as the society gradually resumes to normalcy. After evaluation and review, the online appointment booking system set up by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (Hong Kong) will be temporarily suspended after December 20th, 2024. From December 23rd, 2024 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 12.30pm, excluding general holidays), please take the queue ticket at the lobby of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (Hong Kong)  to submit the applications for all the consular services. If a similar large-scale outbreaks of infectious disease or a particularly extreme situation occurs in the future, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (Hong Kong) will consider to restart the online appointment booking system depending on circumstances.