

布吉納法索 Burkina Faso7至30天
維德角 Cape Verde30天
葛摩聯盟 Union of the Comoros
埃及 Egypt30天
肯亞 Kenya90天
馬達加斯加 Madagascar30天
莫三比克 Mozambique30天
聖多美普林西比 Sao Tome and Principe30天
塞席爾 Seychelles30天
聖海蓮娜(英國海外領地)St. Helena90天
坦尚尼亞 Tanzania90天
多哥 Togo7天(有注意事項,請參閱「簽證及入境須知」)
烏干達 Uganda90天



公  告



As COVID-19 has been classified as a Category 4 communicable disease, the anti-epidemic measures have been gradually lifted as the society gradually resumes to normalcy. After evaluation and review, the online appointment booking system set up by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (Hong Kong) will be temporarily suspended after December 20th, 2024. From December 23rd, 2024 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 12.30pm, excluding general holidays), please take the queue ticket at the lobby of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (Hong Kong)  to submit the applications for all the consular services. If a similar large-scale outbreaks of infectious disease or a particularly extreme situation occurs in the future, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (Hong Kong) will consider to restart the online appointment booking system depending on circumstances.